2017 CF&KC-SA Foster & Kinship Carer Survey – Results
In July 2017, we asked South Australian foster and kinship carers (Carers) to tell us what it’s like to be in their shoes, to be upfront and honest, share the challenges and barriers they face, together with the successes and rewards which come from providing family-based care to children and young people who cannot live with their birth families.
We are pleased to provide a 4-page summary of the results from the 246 surveys completed, and acknowledge the overwhelming response from Carers sharing the importance of family and home for the happiness, safety and health of all children and young people in their care.
The full survey results are available here – please note this is a large 176-page document (21.7MB) and may take some time to download.
Thank you to all who provided feedback – your information offers us the evidence we need to continue to be an effective voice for Carers in SA and will help inform our future strategy and service development.
Amanda Porter
Chief Executive Officer