Connecting Foster & Kinship Carers - SA Inc (CF&KC-SA) is the independent, peak representative body for foster and kinship carers (Carers) across South Australia.

Our vision as the peak body is to see the voice of all South Australian foster and kinship carers represented, and their rights upheld, whilst they provide care to children and young people.

Our mission is to ensure carers are informed, supported, consulted, valued and respected as key partners in the SA child protection system, so they can remain focused on their families with the confidence and continued capacity to raise and support their children and young people to reach their full potential and enjoy a positive future.

Our purpose is to listen to and represent the South Australian foster and kinship carer community, to understand and share the carer experience with decision makers to improve policy, practice and legislation for family based carers and amplify the carer voice to impact sustainable, positive change.


We aim to collect the highest quality information for carers, by way of partnerships with government departments, service providers and parliamentarians, and share with the SA carer community through our four organisational pillars.

  1. We inform carers with first class information and education to enrich the caring experience
  2. We support carers with the opportunity to discuss issues that impact them and provide access to services that aim to improve their caring experience
  3. We connect carers and build a positive carer community
  4. We advocate with carers to ensure their voices are heard in matters that impact their young people

"The support I have received from CF&KC-SA has been so helpful -- it's given me the confidence to continue caring." (Carer)