Latest News

This section contains news articles and publications relevant to foster and kinship care.

2017 CF&KC-SA Foster & Kinship Carer Survey – now closed

01 August 2017

Thank you to the 246 foster and kinship carers who completed the 2017 Foster & Kinship Carer Survey during July – the survey has now closed. We look forward to…

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Foster & Kinship Carer Survey

12 July 2017

The 2017 CF&KC-SA Foster & Kinship Carer Survey is now open. CF&KC-SA want to hear what is currently happening for Carer families in South Australia, what you believe would make…

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Good news for Carer families

11 July 2017

CF&KC-SA is ecstatic to announce that the Children and Young Person (Safety) Bill 2017 (SA) was passed in parliament on 6th July 2017. For almost 4 years CF&KC-SA has been advocating…

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Recruiting CF&KC-SA Board Members

08 June 2017

The Board of CF&KC-SA remains committed to ensuring effective governance and is preparing to take the next steps in the transition towards becoming a skills-based board. The Board has identified…

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Recruiting a Volunteer Coordinator

26 May 2017

CF&KC-SA is looking for a Volunteer Coordinator to develop a Peer Support Network project. The Volunteer Coordinator will create a network of skilled volunteers to deliver peer support to Carers,…

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