Joint Statement on the draft Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill 2024

On 21st February 2025, four organisations that represent the needs and interests of vulnerable South Australian children and young people, and those who care for them, announced an agreement on a joint position in relation to the draft Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill 2024. The agencies include Child and Family Focus SA (CAFFSA); Connecting Foster and Kinship Carers SA (CF&KC-SA); Create Foundation; and The Reily Foundation.

Click here to view the joint statement

CF&KC-SA’s decision to support the passage of the Bill, with the inclusion of the Government amendments along with our associated advocacy, has been broadly shared through our membership communications channels including email and online. Copies of the multiple submissions, prepared on behalf of the organisation following carer feedback, are available on the Advocating Change page

Click here to view a detailed member email (sent on 19th February 2025), which demonstrated the basis for our support of the Bill to be passed subject to Government amendments, including specific amendments recommended by CF&KC-SA.

Click here to view a letter sent to Members of Parliament, which clearly sets out in detail the reasons why, with proposed Government amendments, we believe the Bill should be passed.