CF&KC-SA Organisational Submission to the Independent Inquiry into Foster & Kinship Care

We are pleased to share the CF&KC-SA organisational submission to the Independent Inquiry into Foster and Kinship Care. A copy was sent to Dr Arney yesterday afternoon (Tuesday 9 May 2022). We are incredibly proud of this robust, assertive 55 page document addressing the challenges, best practices and areas for change in line with the legislated Terms of Reference.

The team and Board have worked relentlessly over the past three months to collate feedback provided by Carers regarding their experience of providing care in the child protection system. We have combed through our annual survey data, reference group outcomes, advocacy case findings, lobbying documents and input from support calls to inform our detailed submission. We focussed on ensuring the voice of Carers, metro and regional, past and present, was clearly articulated in this submission. We will keep members informed of the outcome of the Inquiry and recommendations made by the Inquirer.

Click here to access our submission, or if you would prefer a hardcopy version, please contact or call 1800 732 272 to arrange for a copy to be posted.

I would like to thank all our Carer members who have provided their support, input and guidance in ensuring the Carer voice is heard loud and clear. We are grateful for your time as it is precious. We commit to ensuring the elements of our submission our kept alive in our ongoing lobbying for better outcomes for Foster & Kinship Carers.

Fiona Endacott