AIHW Report: Child Protection Australia 2015-16
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has released a new report:
Child Protection Australia 2015-16
During 2015-16, 162,175 (30.2 per 1,000) Australian children received child protection services (investigation, care and protection order and/or were in out-of-home care). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were 7 times as likely as non-Indigenous children to have received child protection services. This report also showed that children from geographically remote areas were more likely to be the subject of a substantiation, or be in out-of-home care than those from major cities.
Media release: One in 33 children receives child protection services – the majority repeat clients
Download report: Child protection Australia 2015-16
AIHW catalogue number CWS 60
Available to purchase hard copy $17