2019 CF&KC-SA Foster & Kinship Carer Survey
Invitation to Foster & Kinship Carers in South Australia
This is your chance to share what it is really like to be the heart of the system, by providing your feedback in the 2019 CF&KC-SA Foster & Kinship Carer Survey
We want to hear what is currently happening for Carer families in South Australia, what you believe would make your family really hum and what changes will mean better times ahead for the children and young people in your care.
The information you share with us will guide our work for the following year, ensuring your rights are upheld and your voice is heard.
As the peak body we are dedicated to listening and learning from Carer families. Your feedback will ensure CF&KC-SA recognises and communicates the needs and interests of the Carer community.
The Survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and will close on Friday 22nd November 2019. Take this chance to make a cuppa, get comfortable, complete the survey and help our work to bring about real change for Foster & Kinship Carers in South Australia.
Click here to access the survey.
We truly appreciate your support.
All my very best
Fiona Endacott
Chief Executive Officer