Latest News

This section contains news articles and publications relevant to foster and kinship care.

Information for carers about other person guardianship (OPG)

27 February 2016

The latest publication on Information for carers about other person guardianship (OPG).

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Families SA on recruitment drive for people willing to foster kids in care

09 February 2016

More than 100 willing families are being called on to foster some of the state’s most vulnerable children through a $9 million recruitment drive launched today by the State Government.

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Child Protection Symposium

18 December 2015

Held on December 8, the symposium saw over 300 people working in the child protection/community services sector in South Australia come together at the Adelaide Oval.

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Mad, Bad or Sad

18 December 2015

For those of you that were unable to attend CFC’s annual RECHARGE, here is the presentation from Gregory Nicolau.

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Rights of foster parents and guardians to be changed as Finn’s Law is passed through South Australia Parliament

04 December 2015

FINN’S Law, a bill which will change the rights of foster parents and guardians when a child passes away in their care, has passed through the Lower House today.

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