Latest News

This section contains news articles and publications relevant to foster and kinship care.

Finn’s Law Legislation

22 September 2016

Finn’s Law Legislation.

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CEO Announcement

20 August 2016

CFC board are pleased to welcome Amanda Porter to the role of CEO.

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Ombudsman urged to investigate ‘bleaching’ of Families SA reports after Nyland Royal Commission finding

16 August 2016

The State Ombudsman will be asked to investigate how often child protection workers’ reports are “bleached” of contentious details that could embarrass the State Government.

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Families SA: Calls unanswered, children spending nights in hotel rooms

29 July 2016

More than 26,000 calls reporting possible abuse cases to South Australia’s child protection agency have gone unanswered in the past year.

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Families SA moves to improve note-taking practices after Chloe Valentine inquest findings

05 June 2016

Families SA has implemented a new training regime for staff after they were heavily criticised in the Chloe Valentine inquest over “grossly inadequate” note-taking practices.

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