Latest News

This section contains news articles and publications relevant to foster and kinship care.

KPMG Review – CF&KC-SA

11 May 2017

KPMG have been engaged by the Department for Child Protection to conduct a review of carer advocacy services in South Australia. CF&KC-SA has met with KPMG to share our vision…

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Thank You…National Volunteers Week

08 May 2017

To all of those who give their time to CF&KC-SA, we say thank you. In recognition of National Volunteers Week, we would like to acknowledge the CF&KC-SA Board Members who…

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Notes from CF&KC-SA Forum

15 April 2017

Notes from the CF&KC-SA Forum (held on 24th March) are now available. Please click on the links below to view: Notes from Forum – including OPG Information Session and Q&A with…

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Carer Communique from Department for Child Protection

06 April 2017

The Department for Child Protection (DCP) has recently sent out an email communique with information about:   Carer Relationship Roles DCP is seeking feedback and comments on role descriptions for a Carer…

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To my Teacher…A memo from a child in foster care

05 April 2017

An article “To my Teacher…A memo from a child in foster care” published on the Australian Childhood Foundation website, written from the perspective of a four year old child who…

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