Latest News

This section contains news articles and publications relevant to foster and kinship care.

SA State Election Commitments – Responses

14 March 2018

Here is a summary of the responses received to the 8 Commitments, together with links to written communications from the Australian Conservatives and Australian Labor Party. We thank all the…

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Crowd funding campaign for mobile phones

05 March 2018

We have launched a crowd funding campaign to try and raise funds to purchase mobile phones for our Peer Support volunteers! If funds are raised, we plan to supply each…

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Movie Fundraiser – Suicide-The Ripple Effect – Gawler Cinema

28 February 2018

Donna Scott, CF&KC-SA Board Deputy Chair, brings you this special fundraiser screening of Suicide – The Ripple Effect on Monday the 9th of April at 7:30pm at Gawler Cinema, SA!…

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Updated Carer Guide

12 January 2018

CF&KC-SA has updated their Carer Guide to assist Carers in understanding the role of a support person – click here to access the Guide. This Carer Guide is intended to…

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Is contact with parents always best?

09 January 2018

An article from The Guardian about a child mental health study challenging convention – click here to read the article

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