Peak body acknowledges Foster & Kinship Carer Week: 12th – 18th September 2021

Peak body acknowledges Foster & Kinship Carer Week: 12th – 18th September 2021

Foster & Kinship Carer Week provides an opportunity to acknowledge publicly the outstanding, but largely unrecognised, contribution Foster and Kinship Carers make to Australian society.

Connecting Foster & Kinship Carers SA Chief Executive Fiona Endacott welcomes the opportunity to recognise the extraordinary level of care, dedication, love and support for children who, for many and varied reasons, cannot live with their biological families.

Click here to read the media release

The CF&KC-SA team want to sincerely say thank you to Foster & Kinship Carers for all that you do…

Sharee, Senior Advocate – Sharee quote

Tandanya, Carer Advocate – Tandanya quote

Isabella, Carer Advocate – Isabella quote

Sharon, Social Work Student – Sharon quote

Jacquie, Legal Consultant – Jacquie quote

Natalie, Administration & Events Coordinator – Natalie quote

Fiona, CEO – Fiona quote