Child Protection & the Law

Child Protection & the Law
Professional Development for SA legal professionals

6 CPD units available

Friday 19th November 2021 @ Sparkke on Whitmore

Choose from the full day program or select individual sessions to suit your needs.

$250 – full day
$100 – full day (student rate)
$50 – single session
$25 – single session (student rate)

Registrations via EventBrite – click here to register

Full day program – click here

Session Details:

Session 1 (9.30-10.30am)
Navigating no man’s land between CYPSA & Family Law Act
Tracee Micallef, Barrister & Managing Partner of Micallef Lipson Chambers

Often legal practitioners will have clients whose issues involve the separate areas of criminal, family and child protection law. Unless one understands the complexities of the interactions of the law relating to those areas, the boundaries may seem like a no man’s land. Tracee will explore these complexities in the context of a hypothetical scenario.

Session 2 (10.30-11.30am)
Operating in SACAT’s new child protection jurisdiction
Fiona Ward, Deputy Chief Executive & Elizabeth Boxall, Director of Legal Services – Department for Child Protection

The Children and Young People (Safety) Act was introduced in 2017. Two of the Department for Child Protection’s most senior staff will share their insights and perspective on how the Act is working, how the SACAT’s new review process is operating, and how the legislation and SACAT decisions are impacting on children and young people in care.

Session 3 (11.30am-12.30pm)
Making change happen in law reform and how to influence parliamentary law making
Dr Sarah Moulds, Director and co-founder of Resource Rights Network SA / Senior Lecturer in Law at UniSA

Using the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 as a case study, Dr Sarah Moulds will discuss how to influence parliamentary law making successfully and share insights from the South Australian Law Reform Institute, the Law Council of Australia, and the Rights Resource Network of SA.

Session 4 (1.00-2.00pm)
Reunification Court: how it operates
Carolyn Doherty, Manager & Registrar of Youth Court and Lorena De Palma, Manager Innovation & Reform at Youth Court

In this session Lorena De Palma and Carolyn Doherty will provide an overview of the Youth Court – including how matters progress through to the Reunification Court and how parties and others (including Foster and Kinship Carers) can be heard.

Session 5 (2.00-3.00pm)
Lessons from Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal – a collaborative approach Carissa Inglis, Service Support Manager, Queensland Foster & Kinship Carers – peak body for carers in QLD

Carissa will present on her experiences advocating for Carers at the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) over the past 15 years and comment on the processes in place through QCAT that hold decision makers accountable and encourage transparency.

Session 6 (3.00-4.00pm)
An overview of the Children & Young People (Safety) Act 2017, the voice of the child
Cinzia Aglieco, Senior Solicitor, Civil & Family Law Section, Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Inc
This presentation provides an overview of the key sections of the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 regarding the voice and rights of children and young people in state care. The presentation also addresses the amendments to the legislation following the Nyland Royal Commission Report into Child Protection Systems in 2016.