Department for Child Protection (DCP) Covid Information DCP has been working closely with SA Health seeking best advice and information to support children and young people, families, carers and the DCP workforce. Women’s and Children’s Hospital COVIDkids
In addition to the SA Health COVID-19 Response Care Team, the Women’s and Children’s Hospital has now launched a dedicated virtual service called service called COVIDkids. This service provides specialist support to children, young people and their carers, by giving them direct online and phone access to experienced paediatric nurses and doctors. This service is available by referral. The COVIDkids webpage has some very useful resources about managing COVID with children and young people in the home. The DCP Carer portal is also being updated regularly with new information. Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT)
The DCP carer portal currently provides some information on access to Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) and additional information will be posted where possible as this is changing rapidly as supplies increase in this state. This now includes the ability to access two free RAT kits for those who are considered a close contact of a person who tests positive for COVID-19. Click here for current RAT pickup locations Concession card holders will very soon be able to access up to 10 free Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) at participating chemists over three months (maximum five per concession card holder, per month). Carers are strongly encouraged to discuss any particular supports they may need with their support worker or case manager. The tangible supports will be considered on a case by case basis as everyone’s circumstances are individual. DCP is in regular communication with service providers to share information and ensure that the service provision is supportive and responsive to carers’ needs. Return to School
Importantly, as part of the very recent Education Department announcement regarding its return to school plan for Term 1, schools will be open for children and young people who are in care from Monday 31 January 2022. This is in place for all year levels as well as preschool/kindergarten. In addition, schools will be open for all children of essential workers. Kinship carers are strongly encouraged to discuss any particular supports they may need with their support worker or case manager. The tangible supports will be considered on a case by case basis as everyone’s circumstances are individual. We certainly acknowledge that some carers may be feeling anxious during these uncertain times and it is important that they feel well supported and have all the information that they need. DCP continues to provide regular updated COVID-19 related information to staff to assist them in their important roles of supporting our carers and children and young people. If there are individual needs or supports that have not been able to be worked through between the carer and their support worker or case manager, please speak with the relevant supervisor to discuss further. |