Feedback on February 2024 Carer Council Consultation

We thank the carer community for providing feedback on care concerns, carer remuneration, and respite in February 2024. Your input has been crucial in the Carer Council’s role of advising The Hon. Katrine Hildyard, Minister for Child Protection.

We are pleased to share that your feedback has been incorporated into 33 of the 65 recommendations put forward by the Carer Council so far, specifically:
• 7 recommendations on care concerns
• 4 recommendations on respite
• 22 recommendations on carer remuneration, including 12 recommendations regarding the CAT and SNL tools

We invite you to continue utilising opportunities that arise for feedback and are committed to amplifying carer voices in advice to the Minister.

Please see three word clouds clouds below that represent key words from the feedback received on care concerns, carer remuneration and respite.