Membership is free - sign up here


CF&KC-SA welcomes new Members. We invite Foster & Kinship Carers, and other persons interested in making a difference to the lives of children and young people in care, to join.

Benefits of Membership

  • Connect with other Foster & Kinship Carers
  • Invitations to Member-only events
  • Strengthen Foster & Kinship Carer voices
  • Contribute your ideas and opinions, especially in our Annual Survey
  • Latest relevant news, policy developments and research
  • Member emails including free Carer Information Sessions, forums, education and other opportunities
  • CF&KC-SA annual Recharge event - hear inspirational speakers and connect with other Carers
  • CF&KC-SA free Family Fun events
  • National Foster & Kinship Care Conference
  • Free tickets to Adelaide Festival, Adelaide Fringe, Womad, Circus Quirkus and more...
  • Discounts and special offers on products and services from affiliate businesses

Current Member offers

Colby Pearce from Secure Start offers CF&KC-SA Members resources for implementing trauma-informed, therapeutic care in the home and school settings at the special price of $9.90 per resource (40% discount). Click here for the details

Discount for CF&KC-SA Members to purchase Dr Sara McLean's book "Parenting Traumatized Children with Developmental Differences" - email: for further details

Sign up for Free Membership

Join our 1,250 other members!

If you do not have an email address, please call us on 1800 732 272 and we can set up your membership over the phone.












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